
The early 2000s were marked by a drop in the number of farms and a decline in agricultural activities. The Rural Agency created in 2018 is now in charge of the agricultural sector. Food self-sufficiency is a major issue for the region, which has a coverage rate of 47%. The primary sector is mainly made up of very small farms.

Production increases in the primary sector

  • Beef production increased significantly, + 28.5%

  • Pig slaughter increased by a + 16.9%

  • Aquaculture sector, the shrimp export campaign ended with a new increase (+ 8.6% in volume and + 7.2% in value over one year), confirming the strategic choices of the sector.

  • The longline fishing volume rebounded (+ 7.2%), causing in its wake an increase in exports of its main resource, tuna (+ 8.9% in volume and + 22.8 % value).

Source IEOM


Agricultural production

The agricultural production market amounted to 12.7 billion XCP in 2018, up 4.9% compared to 2017.  In 10 years, animal and plant production increased by 28.3% and 57.5% respectively.

Animal production mainly revolves around three sectors: the beef sector, the poultry sector (production of eggs and poultry) and the pig sector.

Fruit and vegetable production accounts for two-thirds of crop production, far ahead of horticulture (15%), grains (8%), copra, vanilla and coffee (less than 1%).


Animal & vegetable production 2008-2018

Data in F CFP Millions

Shrimp Exports in 2018

Data in percentages


Three forms of fishing are practiced in New Caledonia, according to the activity zones (lagoon, external slope of the reef and high seas):

  • lagoon fishing is carried out by small vessels.

  • inshore fishing is practiced outside the lagoon, up to 12 miles (approximately 22 km) off the reef, from multi-purpose vessels.

  • deep-sea fishing is practiced in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Longline vessels have been exploiting tuna and billfish resources, partly exported, since the 1980s.


In 2018, the shrimp sector represented a turnover of 260 million F CFP for hatcheries (+ 0.8%), and 1 840 million F CFP for farms (+ 12.3%).

Source IEOM


Major actors in


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L’Agence Rurale

Government Owned

The rural agency’s role is to regulate agricultural prices, prevent and compensate any damage caused by natural disasters or a health crisis, quality management, studies as well as communication and prospective approaches.

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Agrical/Elevage Ballande

Agrical it is the largest cattle and pig farm in New Caledonia. They own 3 domaines and 5000 hectares of land where 2,400 cattle are raised. They have also developed a trading activity for New Zealand meat.


The director of Agrical Ballande begins his tour to take the pulse of the stockmen.


Chambre d’Agriculture de Nouvelle-Calédonie

Public Company

The Chamber of Agriculture is an assembly of 35 elected farmers and agricultural workers representing agriculture in New Caledonia, they provide an interface with the public authorities, offer a wide range of services to farmers and act as an intermediary between agricultural organizations.

Apprentices trained in security during citrus pruning.

Apprentices trained in security during citrus pruning.


France Caledonia Tropic Export

It is the only exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables from New Caledonia. Created in 1994, the company has 20 years of experience in exporting fresh fruit and vegetables to the Japanese, New Zealand and Australian markets. It manages, in particular, the squash industry, a gourd requested on the Japanese market.


Groupe St Vincent

This group has three main activities:

  • La Minoterie de Saint-Vincent: Manufacture of baking flours intended for professionals and the general public.

  • Le Moulin de Saint-Vincent: Manufacture of animal food and sales of cereals.

  • Saint-Vincent rice: Processing rice for human consumption.


Office de Commercialisation et d’Entreposage Frigorifique (OCEF)

Public Company

The OECF is a public industrial and commercial establishment. It has the mission of regulating the agricultural markets and in particular the meat and potatoes segments, by purchasing, processing and marketing local products. It also imports agricultural supplements which cannot be found on the island.

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Serei No Nengone NC

Certain plants in Caledonia, whose rarity is a source of wealth, are ranked among the best in the world for the pharmaceutical and the perfume industries. A Melanesian researcher in partnership with a great French perfumer manages a sandalwood essence distillery in Maré, his native island. They distribute the sandal oil to luxury brands such as Chanel. 


Roots and Wings - Sandalwood in New Caledonia


La Société des Producteurs Aquacoles Calédoniens (SOPAC)

Created in 1994, SOPAC brings together all the players in the aquaculture sector, from hatcheries to distributors, in order to guarantee the quality of New Caledonia's blue shrimp.

The company has a subsidiary in France, the Prestige Seafood distribution company dedicated to catering professionals and the management of an international network of partner customers.


Major actors in




Biscochoc is the only chocolate factory in New Caledonia. It sources its cacao from Vanuatu, processes it in NC and sells it in NC (90% of the market share) and exports the other 10% to Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan.

Biscochoc factory in Ducos preparing the Easter 2020 production

Biscochoc factory in Ducos preparing the Easter 2020 production


Grande Brasserie de Nouvelle-Calédonie (GBNC)

GBNC is the main brewery in New Caledonia, it is also one of the main soft drinks provider on the island. It produces the iconic Caledonian beer called Number One and joined the club of breweries authorized to produce HEINEKEN premium beer. It also imports a wide range of global brands in the beer and soft drinks segment.


Groupe Calonne

Groupe Calonne was established in 1973, it is a major player in the Caledonian food industry. One of its companies is Socalait which distributes products manufactured by Group Calonne's own local factories: Fresh Dairy Products (Tennesse Farm, Yoplait), ice cream (Miko), chocolate (Lapita), and juice (Tampico). Socalait is also an importer which offers a large selection of international brands such as : Magnum, Carte d’Or, Ben & Jerry's, Cornetto, King Cone, Solero…

The group is made up of several other companies that ensure the smooth running of its activities: administration, production, import, logistics and distribution.

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Groupe Dang

Groupe Dang is a conglomerate which recently acquired l'Atelier Gourmand, a network of Caledonian bakeries established in 2010. They offer bread, pastries, salads, sandwiches…

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La Française “Société Française des Viandes et Salaisons du Pacifique”

La Française is the main meat and cured meat company on the island, it sells locally and offers a wide variety of products.


Société Le Froid

Société Le Froid is a family business established in 1943, bottler of soft drinks, juice, flavored flat drinks, syrups and fermented alcoholic beverages, the company manufactures, markets and distributes more than 25 brands (international and own brands). They are leaders in the soft drink sector and represents some brands such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Nestea, Powerade, Calsberg, Kronembourg… in New Caledonia. 
