New Caledonia is blessed with one of the most beautiful lagoons in the world and has a third of the pristine reefs. Among the seven marine density “hot spots” in the world, four are in the natural park of the coral sea of NC, two of which are in first position.
Thierry Santa, President of the Government
In New Caledonia, 76% of the animal and plant species do not exist anywhere else, including kagus, goliath imperial pigeons, nautiluses, maquis minier, tree ferns, and many others. With perfectly preserved landscapes, the archipelago boasts the 3rd highest rate of endemism in the world. This natural sanctuary offers exceptional biodiversity both on land and in the sea, making it the ideal destination for nature enthusiasts!
New Caledonia’s remarkable plant diversity consists of 3,261 species of indigenous flora (74% strictly endemic), which is nearly as many as on the whole of continental Europe (3,500 species).
Source: www.botanicalgardenphotography.com/flora-new-caledonia.html
The territory also hosts 106 species of endemic reptiles, 6 species of endemic bats and 4,500 species of invertebrates (90% endemic).
The birdlife of New Caledonia includes 23 species of endemic birds.
Source: www.lntreasures.com/ncb.html
The island also holds the world’s biggest lagoon, which is home to more than 2,400 species of fish, including legions of sharks (49 species), turtles (4 species) the elusive dugong (around 800 left) and the manta ray.
New Caledonia is among the 24 laureates of the "Territories of innovation" action carried out by the French government
New Caledonia was the only overseas territory candidate for the project, which aims to make marine biodiversity an engine of growth in the Pacific, with the Coral Sea natural park as the leading actor. New Caledonia will be supported by the French State within the framework of a large investment plan worth up to 450 million euros.
The objective is for the marine protected area of almost 1.3 million km2 (500000 square miles) to become a pole of innovation and a field of scientific research and experimentation of sustainable activities to "make biodiversity not only a treasure to preserve, but also a wealth to enhance”.
Source: www.la1ere.francetvinfo.fr/nouvelle-caledonie-laureate-action-territoires-innovation.html
Institutional actors, private actors including start-ups, clusters and civil society have the collective ambition to transform the development model of New Caledonia, a unique territory in French space by its maritime dimension and its exceptional biodiversity. To do this, they want to make the preservation of biodiversity one of the engines of local growth. Thanks to the leveraging effect of "Territories of Innovation" and the dynamic involved, New Caledonia will in 10 years constitute the cradle of expertise and experimentation in ocean observation and its preservation. The projected budget of the project reaches 72M €.
New Caledonia will by 2030 constitute the cradle of expertise and experimentation in ocean observation and its preservation.
Test and deploy across the entire Pacific Ocean tools developed in the heart of the Caledonian maritime space such as the first intelligent submarine cable, the fleets of submarine drones or the sentinels of the sea “Rémora”.
Foster the emergence of new uses such as virtual tourism by relying on the dynamism of the digital sector combined with the policy of open data.
Structuring the biotechnology sector further, in the same way as other economic sectors combining the preservation and enhancement of biodiversity, carried by local start-ups.
Involve the Caledonians in this transition.
Observation activities
Permanent fleet of autonomous underwater drones, geospatial data hub, the world's first intelligent cable between New Caledonia and Vanuatu, equipped with environmental sensors to better monitor climate change and set up systems of natural hazard alerts, etc.
Economic sectors contributing to the enhancement of biodiversity
Shared biotechnology analytical platform, pilot production platform to identify new plant assets with high added value in Caledonian plants, develop innovative eco-extraction tools targeting the cosmetics and food industries, farm production of marine spirulina (microalgae), etc.
Establishment of the conditions for change
A "City of Knowledge" that can accommodate a traveling exhibition space, a development structure for innovative projects and companies, scientists, a coworking space dedicated to digital, a coral farm in Lifou, an industrial unit for energy recovery from plastic waste creating electricity injected into the network, recovery of fish waste generated by longline fishing, recycling of end-of-life pleasure boats, etc.
Source: www.gouv.nc/actualites/la-caledonie-territoire-dinnovation-majeur
Plants of New Caledonia
Species of New Caledonia
Reefs of new Caledonia
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