Innovation in New Caledonia: Creation of a digital committee


A new committee has been created, co-organized by the two members of the government: Vaimu’a Muliava, in charge of digital transformation and Christopher Gygès, in charge of the digital economy.

This committee will bring together the government and actors of the digital sector, with the aim of organizing, supervising and boosting the digital sector on the Caillou.


Christopher Gygès, explains: “The digital steering committee makes it possible to meet the expectations of the tech players. The government wishes to actively take part in the development of the digital economy. We want the work carried out by the different actors to be in line with the Digital Economy Strategic Plan in the short term".

For this very first edition, two topics were on the agenda. The first and certainly the most important concerns the digital transformation of the administration in order to simplify and dematerialize the administrative services, forty tasks have been presented. The second point is the creation of a project called "totem place", which will bring together all the players in the technology sector. The goal is to promote partnerships and create synergies between the members. A project that would allow both the pooling of skills, but also to showcase for the Caledonian digital sector.

The Digital Steering Committee is assisted by the Technology and Information Services Department. The communities are represented by the three provinces and two mayors associations. The digital ecosystem is represented by four permanent members: the digital observatory, the French Tech Nouvelle-Calédonie, the digital union and the digital cluster Open NC. There is a fifth member invited according to the topics on the agenda.

Vaimu’a Muliava, stated that “We wanted to bring around the table a balanced representation of the public and private sector. In particular, with elected officials from communities, the two mayors associations as well as players in the digital ecosystem. Public-private partnerships are key for the development of the digital economy. »


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