The European Union, a strong partner of New Caledonia


The PROTEGE* program was launched a year ago with the President of the Government of New Caledonia, Thierry Santa as the regional authorising officer. The 36 million euros project, over four years, for the benefit of the four Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs are represented by New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna, French Polynesia, Pitcairn), focuses on sustainable and resilient economic development of island territories facing climate change and the erosion of resources and biodiversity. The objectives are to strengthen sustainability, adapt to climate change, protect biodiversity and reinforce ecosystems by preserving water resources, as well as increasing the autonomy of these islands, specifically through the primary sector. 


New Caledonia will very soon receive the fourth instalment of 8.84 million euros in an EU fast-track procedure due to the health crisis. A final payment is scheduled for 2021. Progress has been made on the EU budget 2021-2027 negotiations.

The representative of the European Commission for the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCTs) of the Pacific since 2017, Tomas Mateo Goyet, will soon take up new functions at the European Union's headquarters in Brussels, within the team in charge of supervising the programming of funds in the Middle East, Asia and Pacific region for the period 2021-2027. Pierre-Henri Helleputte will take over on September 1st. Before his departure, he met with the Chief of Staff of the President of the Government, Cédric Chan Yone and with the Deputy Director General of the SPC, (Pacific Community), Cameron Diver to discuss the current and future files with the European Commission OCTs.

*PROTEGE: Oceanian Regional Program for the Sustainable Management of Ecosystems in the Territories 




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