Nickel prices rise as New Century negotiations continue to progress over the acquisition of the Goro mine


Asian stock markets went up sharply on Monday generating more than 3% daily gains on the three-month nickel prices traded on the London Metal Exchange (LME). Meanwhile, complex negotiations continue around the Goro Nickel site. 

Nickel gained 3.28% yesterday at $13,395 per tonne and was the leading metal commodity on the LME despite the spread of Covid-19 continuing in a number of metal producing countries. 

New Century Resources, the Australian mining company candidate for the takeover of the Goro Nickel industrial complex, announced at a recent investor seminar in Melbourne that "negotiations continue to progress for the potential acquisition of the nickel-cobalt site of Goro (Vale-NC) in New Caledonia ".

The transition of the factory towards a 100% nickel-cobalt (NHC) production aimed at the electric battery market continues successfully. The industrial site would have reached a production of 100 tonnes per day. 

Three month nickel price at LME at 19:53 GMT:

$ 13,395 / t + 3.28%. Weekly progress 4.79%

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